Who Runs The Club?

The club is run by the Management Committee assisted by the Club Administrators, Karen Stack and Madeline Burke whose work is supplemented by the efforts of many volunteer members. The Club Administrators look after new member applications as well as liaise with the many societies and green fees that visit the Course during the year. They also liaise very closely with the club professional and catering franchisee.

The course manager supervises the work of the course staff and ensures that the golf course is in excellent condition for members, friends and visitors. The Club was delighted when, in 2007, Golf Digest Ireland included Dungarvan G.C. in its ‘Top 100 Courses’ list. It was a fitting reward and affirmation for the club’s work in developing a fine 18-Hole Blue Flag Championship Course from the early 1990s onwards.

While the Management provides and maintains the course and clubhouse facilities, the ladies’ and gents’golf affairs are run by the Ladies’ Club and Men’s Club respectively.  These committees, and the several sub-committees, work in close collaboration, all in the interests of the members.

The Ladies’ Club and Gents’ Club Annual General Meetings are held late in October, while the Management Committee AGM is early in November. For members interested in the detailed workings of the club, the Rules and Constitution are available at the office on request.

Management Committee

Chairman: Pat Power
President: June James
Honorary Secretary: John Condon
Honorary Treasurer: Pat Frisby
Captain: Edward Moynihan
Lady Captain: Bernie Lynch
Vice Captain: Patrick Cumiskey
Lady Vice Captain: Carmel Fox
Course Chairperson: Mossie McNamara
House Chairperson: Brian Fahy
Marketing Chairperson: Una O’Connell

Trustees: Jack Elstead, Margaret Harty, Johnny Lynch.

Ladies’ Club Committee:

Captain: Bernie Lynch
Vice Captain: Carmel Fox
Honorary Secretary: Jane Kiely
Competition Secretary: Nollaig McCarthy
Honorary Treasurer: Mary Buckley
Handicap Secretary: June Hayes

Ex Officio: Kolette Enright

Committee: Caroline Cullinane, Breid Scanlon

Men’s Club Committee

Captain: Edward Moynihan
Vice-Captain: Patrick Cumiskey
Honorary Secretary: Tom O’Callaghan
Competition Secretary: Rufus Flynn
Honorary Treasurer: Denis Buckley
Handicap Secretary: Martin Lynch
Ex-Officio: Liam Hansbury

Committee: John Dempsey.

Junior Committee

Junior Officer: David Hayes
Boys Captain: AJ Hayes
Girls Captain:

Club Officials

Club Administrators: Karen Stack/Madeline Burke
Course Manager: Anthony Morrissey
Bar Manager: Tom Daly
Catering: Tom Daly
Club Professional: David Hayes, PGA Professional